

Campaign Details

Peaceful march in Nairobi to support Genetic Modification (GM), as one of the solutions to Kenya’s chronic food shortage.

Campaign Name



Nairobi, Kenya
Kampala, Uganda


Support GMO Food


February 10, 2023

Campaign Summary

On February 10, 2023, WePlanet Africa organised a peaceful march in Nairobi to support of science, specifically Genetic Modification (GM), as one of the solutions to Kenya’s chronic food shortage. The peaceful march started at the University of Nairobi Square and ended at Memorial Park on Haille Selasie Avenue where the organisers addressed a press conference.

Dubbed #LetKenyansEat, the street campaign brought together several Kenyans including scientists, lecturers, science students, and farmers growing genetically modified cotton on Friday took to Nairobi streets in a show of support for GMOs in Kenya.

In solidarity with Kenya and her quest for food security and improved farmer livelihoods, there was a a concurrent march on the same day, same time in Uganda’s capital Kampala. Through the street march, WePlanet Africa reiterated their commitment and support for the Kenyan government’s move to lift the 10-year ban on the importation, sale, and consumption of GMOs, saying it is one of the ways to avert the endemic food crisis and guarantee that every Kenyan has access to safe and nutritious food.

See attached for a press release…

Campaign Attachments