Mike Felix Okoth Ochieng (Overall Winner)

Mike Felix Okoth Ochieng (Overall Winner)

Mike Felix Okoth Ochieng’, the winner of WePlanet Africa nuclear essay writing competition (2023), was born and raised in Huruma Estate, Nairobi. He lived with his aunt in Kisumu County for a moment before heading off to boarding school. He is 23.


He went to Huruma Primary School in Nairobi up until class 7 when he transferred to Ndori RC Primary School in Kisumu County. Thereafter, he joined Kisumu School for his secondary education.


The second born in a family of five, Mike is a man of many talents. He is an award winning script writer, published author and film producer. In 2021, he produced the best film at the Foxton Film Awards 2021.


Talking about his love for writing, Ochieng is a self-published author of a short story called Death Always Collects on Amazon. “This is a short story about loss and love; how it blossoms, perishes and gets rekindled only to be taken away by the worst equalizer in the universe: death. I am yet to sell a copy but still proud of it as an achievement,” he says. 

An innovations enthusiast, Ochieng hopes to venture into Research and Development as part of his contributions to finding solutions to problems that affect humanity. Ochieng says he has always been fascinated with the potential for nuclear energy to be used for good ranging from medicine to research and agriculture. 


Word to world leaders: “The problems plaguing our world will never be solved in summits. We have to take charge and act in the better interest of humanity and not ourselves. One such way is embracing the use of nuclear energy and fully supporting countries that would like to take the nuclear path.”

“Leaders should also take a chance and put more trust in young people who might actually have solutions and ideas that would benefit humanity.”


Favourite movie: Wonder (2017)

Favorite TV show: Scorpion. 

Favorite book: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.