New year, New Us!


WePlanet Africa is changing. We are excited about it and hope that you can catch on with this excitement!

When WePlanet Africa started one year ago –in Uganda and Kenya – it was intended to simply serve a one-off activity and call it a day. But with the support of partner organisations and volunteers, we morphed into a movement to reckon with.

Grassroots Govement

We have spoken fearlessly and loudly about our agenda – that we are a pro-people, pro-science, and pro-environment grassroots movement.

We have taken to the streets to speak about these issues, delivered petitions and spoken to the media and at open forums on matters that we are passionate about. When we wanted to initiate a public discourse on clean energy, we launched an essay writing competition on nuclear power and its place in sustainable development. Open to university students across the continent, the essay competition drew 128 participants, from 60 universities, in 13 countries from across Africa.

This, and many other activities opened a floodgate for volunteers in every corner of Africa, opened for us doors to universities, government offices, parastatal boardrooms and professional associations – the kind of collaboration and partnership required to stem the tide of climate change.

This is why we are thrilled to announce that from today, we are no longer WePlanet Africa, we are now WePlanet Africa. And with this new name comes an updated look, a new logo and a subtly updated visual identity that refreshes our disruptive yet crucial voice in the world.

Collective Effort

The change from WePlanet Africa to WePlanet Africa represents our acknowledgment of the “We” responsibility in addressing climate change and the fact that no single entity or individual can shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding our environment alone. The new name – WePlanet Africa – embodies the collective effort necessary to tackle environmental issues effectively, reminding us that our shared future depends on a joint commitment to sustainable practices and policies.

By taking up the “WePlanet” identity, we communicate our shared obligation and interconnectedness in protecting our planet. Through our new name, we aspire to create a sense of unity among people who care about the environment, forming a global community in which ecological concerns are shared and addressed collectively.

The new identity that replaces “Re” with “We,” moves us an organisation from the mere need and hunger for action to who actually takes that action in addressing climate change.

And finally, the change in our name signals all stakeholders and partners that we value your contribution and invite each of you to engage actively with our cause to transform our collective vision into reality.

With gratitude

WePlanet Africa

Patricia Nanteza

WePlanet Africa Director


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